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Thu, 05 Oct


BarreFly LIVE - Events (we'll send a link)


Listen, ageing is a right b*tch. But it doesn't have to a battle as well. Nutrition, exercise, and mental healthcare routines have SO MUCH to do with how 'well' we age - from the inside to the outside - so lets learn together how to do it as DISGRACEFULLY as possible.

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Where and When

05 Oct 2023, 10:45 – 13:00

BarreFly LIVE - Events (we'll send a link)


Everyone knows that the menopause is just a big, dead-end looming in our future. And that ageing graacefully is impossible. That exercise is pointless once your hormones begin to change, and that the only way through is to kill yourself with cardio,  'avoid all carbs and sugar', and 'shun processed foods', right?

HorseshIt. Impractical horsesh*t.

Join us for an afternoon of  information - pragmatic, science-backed answers to THRIVING through the ages.  Questions like what to measure, how to measure, WHY to measure, the Calorie Question, best 'swaps' for daily staples, 'What TF does healthy and balanced even mean',  'What's the TRUTH about sugar/carbs', and other questions that matter to women as we age.  And an afternoon of demonstration, as Nesse creates right in front of your eyes, some of her favourite simple, healthy, delicious recipes (that even your kids will eat). 

Sadly for those joining us online, you won't get to taste everything or get the goodie bag. But believe us - the info is worth its weight in GOLD and the workout can totally be done from home. We will also email you the recipes we made on the day as well as some tools to track your progress, should you been keen to do so.

We kick off with a BEND session - a 45 minute slow-flow barre session (great for beginners), which is a luscious variation on our classic BARRE class. Then it's up to our gorgeous glass boardroom for an informational chat, cooking demos, snacks, and a fair few giggles, we're sure.

We have unlimited space available for this (obvs), as it's all broadcast on our website. (psst... we will keep the videos live for 7 days after the event if you need to watch it later).

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: 10.45 is kickoff time, so please log onto the website just before then. We will aim to go live 5 mins before we start, so you know you're with us. :)  



    This is a LIVE spot at our table (plus taste-testing and bubbles). Includes access at the live-streamed BEND class, and a virtual seat at the workshop (but sadly not the bubbles). UNLIMITED BARREFLY MEMBER?? Get 10% OFF the ticket price! Message us to learn how.

    Tax: +£3.80 VAT
    Sale ended



Braggy McBraggerson

BARREFLY LONDON, LTD is Registered in England and Wales.

Company number: 13537996

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